Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

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Richard Buckner interview

Richard Buckner interview

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

Richard Buckner Visually Stunned For as relatively anonymous as he is in the rock landscape, Richard Buckner’s life has been filled with feature-story tumult. He has moved all over the country, been divorced twice (once soon after recording an album with one of his wives), based work on a century-old Faulkner-esque manuscript, and dropped from […]

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The Frames interview

The Frames interview

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

The Frames Tragicomedy In an unusually reflective mood, Glen Hansard, frontman of The Frames — one of Ireland’s biggest acts — oozes charisma as he sits in a cushy brown leather love seat, which pleasantly contrasts with his maroon sweater and mop of ginger ringlets. Sporting a cropped full beard, a cluster of white hairs […]

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Apples In Stereo interview

Apples In Stereo interview

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

Apples In Stereo Mansions Of Sound Apples In Stereo mastermind Robert Schneider has just gotten copies of his veteran indie pop band’s hot-off-the-presses New Magnetic Wonder and he can barely contain himself. Appearing: February 23rd at Subterranean in Chicago.

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Eleni Mandell Interview

Eleni Mandell Interview

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

Eleni Mandell 30 Love No one just picks up tennis 10 years into one’s career; there must be some ulterior motive. Perhaps the quiet life needs a jarring sport of starts and stops, lobs and rifled shots. It’s also an obvious outlet for someone who’s singularly competitive — le tenis is probably the most physically […]

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Hip-Hop In The Studio

Hip-Hop In The Studio

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

Hip-Hop And The Studio: Forget What You’ve Heard To many, the idea of hip-hop artists in the recording studio evokes a threatening image. Most common is the hostile rapper whose sole mission is to give engineers a headache. Now if you ask just about any engineer, they’ll probably tell you rowdy clients do exist. What […]

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File: February 2007

File: February 2007

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

A GOOD ROGERING “Mess with the bull, you get the horns” can apparently be translated as “Deal with The Gambler, you get the shaft.” Residents of Sandy Springs, Georgia, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, are unhappy with Kenny Rogers, and it’s not because of some neon chicken. One year after purchasing a seven-acre lot for […]

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Mo Rocca 2

Mo Rocca 2

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

[ back ] IE: Is there anyone who’s smart in a really weird way, they happen to know a lot about one thing? MR: Well, me. I know everything about Presdential animals. I wrote a book on them [All The Presidents Pets: The Story Of One Reporter Who Refused To Roll Over]. IE: Guess what! […]

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DVD Zone: February 2007

DVD Zone: February 2007

| January 31, 2007 | 1 Comment

Broken Bridges Paramount A few things are well known about Toby Keith. He wears his redneck street cred like a badge, has a fetish for the troops, and above all . . . he’s a Ford® truck man. All of these traits are in full bloom in the extended Ford® infomercial, Broken Bridges.

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James Brown, Soul Brother #1, R.I.P.

James Brown, Soul Brother #1, R.I.P.

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

Sometime after midnight on December 29th, singer/guitarist and bandleader Phil Guy joined the Matthew Skoller Band onstage at his brother’s club (Buddy Guy’s Legends) and ripped into a spirited version of James Brown‘s “I Can’t Stand It” that brought the cheering crowd to its feet in tribute for a beloved artist who changed the face […]

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Mixing It Up

Mixing It Up

| January 31, 2007 | 1 Comment

Few people would describe the Linder Avenue Recording Web site as “striking.” The design is skeletal, white text on a black background, and the information minimal, a list of services, an e-mail address but little else.

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Bad Radio Hurts Musicians

Bad Radio Hurts Musicians

| January 31, 2007 | 1 Comment

“When my life and my income and my profession are affected by media consolidation, we don’t need to make a move any further in the wrong direction,” George Jones said at a recent Federal Communications Commission media ownership hearing in Nashville. Jones was one of several country musicians – including Naomi Judd – who testified […]

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Gettin’ Handsy

Gettin’ Handsy

| January 31, 2007 | 0 Comments

“Gear” will run as a web-only column this month, but will return to print next month. SOURCE AUDIO Hot Hand Source Audio‘s wireless guitar-effect system is a unique ring-controlled unit that communicates with a floor pedal to create weirdness previously only heard in a recording studio setting.

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Abyssinian Funk

Abyssinian Funk

| January 31, 2007 | 2 Comments

Distinctive, yet filled with familiar accents, Ethiopian contemporary music draws upon a vibrant ancient history as well as an unlikely mix of modern sounds. With a history that can be traced to King Solomon and Abyssinian glory and a present plagued by war and famine, Ethiopia’s music reflects the unpredictable nature of life.

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Local CD Reviews

Local CD Reviews

| January 31, 2007 | 1 Comment

After a four-year hiatus, The Baldwin Brothers drop Return Of The Golden Rhodes (TVT), a deliciously sexy album crackling with juicy beats, deep grooves, and their unique fusion of electronic funk. Smooth vocal flow and quirky rhymes make “A Matter Of Time” a slinky ass shaker, while “Air Is Invisible” is bred from Underworld’s mindwarping, […]

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Around Hear Page 2

Around Hear Page 2

| January 31, 2007 | 5 Comments

Indie stalwart bassist Griffin Rodriguez (a.k.a. Blue Hawaii) and drummer Chris Powell are the braintrust duo behind Icy Demons. Their second full-length, Tears Of A Clone, cuts a wide-ranging swath of recorded electronica, pinballing between the insouciance of mid-’70s Zappa, the eternal ambience of Brain Eno, the percussive minimalism of Steve Reich, and all rock […]

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