Lovers Lane
WCSF Rummage Sale

Classified Advertising Information



How to Place Your Ad

  • With a Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express): Use our secure credit card form. Or, you may print out the form and email to
  • With a Check or Money Order:
    1. Use our check form or the Classified Coupon in our print version.
    2. Fill out form completely. Use a separate sheet of paper for your ad copy if necessary.
    3. Mail form, ad, and payment to IE Classifieds, 4223 W. Lake Street, Suite 201, Chicago, IL 60624 Please mail all items together; do not submit ad and payment separately
  • Phone ads are accepted for an extra $10 Fee.

Ads are kept on file for six months. Standard format for line ads: first line (approximately 20 characters including spaces) all caps and bold, rest of ad in regular type. We reserve the right to determine which category an ad will be placed in.

Information to Include with Your Ad

If you do not use the online form or the coupon in our magazine, please be sure to include the following:

  • Your name
  • Your address, city, state, and zip code
  • Your phone number
  • Payment information
  • For credit card orders:
    • Card number
    • Expiration date
    • Name, address, and phone number of cardholder
  • The category you’d like your ad to be placed in
  • Ad copy (what you’d like your ad to say)

Confirmation and/or receipts are sent only upon request.

Website Classifieds

Classified ads placed in our print edition are posted on this website at no additional charge. Your ad will be posted on our website as soon as it is processed, usually within 2 days of receipt. We cannot accept cancellations for print ads that have already appeared on our website. Ads will be removed immediately from the site in the event that your payment is not valid.


  • Classified deadline is the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or a holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next business day. Ads received after the deadline will be placed in the next available issue.
  • Late deadline is the 17th of each month and requires a $10.00 per ad late fee. This deadline is not extended, even if it falls on a weekend or holiday.
  • Final deadline is the 20th of each month and requires a $20.00 per ad late fee. This deadline is not extended, even if it falls on a weekend or holiday.


  • Non-Commercial Line Ads (for individuals and bands ONLY): $22.00 for 25 or fewer words, 75¢ each additional word.
  • Commercial Line Ads: $32.00 for 25 or fewer words, 75¢ each additional word.
  • Small Box Ad: $65.00 (Maximum 25 words; 1-3/8″ W x 1-1/4″ H)
  • Large Box Ad: $115.00 (Maximum 50 words; 1-3/8″ W x 2-5/16″ H)
  • X-Large Box Ad: $145.00 (Max. 75 words; 1-3/8″ W x 3-3/4″ H)


    • Entire Ad All Caps & Bold — Add $10.00. Line ads only — box ad prices already include bold type upon request.
    • Reverse Type or Customer-supplied logo/photo/artwork — Add $20.00. Box ads only.


Pay for two or more months in advance to receive the following discounts:

  • 2-5 months: 5%
  • 6-11 months: 7%
  • 12+ months: 10%


Classified ads must be prepaid. If the ad and payment are not received by the classified deadline, the ad will not run.

Accepted Payment Methods

  • Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
  • Checks/Money Orders
  • Cash


Cancellations cannot be accepted after your ad is posted on our website, or after the classified deadline, whichever comes first. Changes must be requested in writing by mail, fax, or e-mail before the classified deadline.


You do not need to resubmit your ad if there are no changes. Please include your name, phone number, the category your ad was placed under, and the number of months you would like your renewal to run. Credit card renewals are accepted by email
or phone, provided there are no changes to the ad. Check/money order renewals are accepted by mail.

Counting Words

    • Anything with a space on both sides is a word, including numbers and abbreviations.
    • We do not charge for punctuation.
    • Words separated by slashes still count as individual words (ie: singer/songwriter is two words).
    • Most hyphenated words count as two words.
    • Phone numbers, zip codes, e-mail addresses, or URLs count as one word.
    • Yes, small words such as “it,” “an,” and “or” are words.
    • Ads received with insufficient payment will be edited accordingly.

More questions?

Classified Department
Illinois Entertainer
4223 W. Lake Street Suite 201
Chicago, IL 60624
Phone: 630-618-2177
Contact Us by Email

Email the Advertising Department at and let
us design a customized advertising program for your business or event.
email John at: