This Quick Form is ONLY for ads that are: |
(no businesses,
for-profit individuals or instruction ads)
- Standard format
line ad
- Submitted on
or before the 12th
- Paid by Visa,
MasterCard, or American Express
If you have a commercial (business) ad, box ad, or LATE AD, please
>>> click now to use our full-length form <<<
If your ad is:
- Commercial (for
a company or home business such as music instruction)
- Late
(after the 12th of the month, but you still want to get into
the next issue)
- A box ad
- A bold-type ad
please fill out our full-length
The Classified Deadline is |
THE 12TH OF EACH MONTH Extended to the next business day if the 12th is on a weekend or holiday. |
You can still place an ad until
the 17th of the month by using our regular
form and paying an extra late fee.
Please select
a category and type your ad: |
I would like my ad to say:
Did you include your CONTACT INFORMATION so our readers can reach you? Your ad includes ONLY what you type in this box.
Please do not type your ad in all
capital letters. It will take longer to process your ad,
because we will have to re-type it.
Be sure to include your
contact information here. Print ads include ONLY what you type
in this box.
The first three words of your ad
will be printed all caps/bold.
Phone numbers count as one word. Type your phone number with dashes or periods so
it will be counted as one word:
- 123-456-7890
- 123.456.7890
Count the number of words in your ad: |
Word Count: words
PRICE: $22.00
for 25 words, $0.75 for each additional word.
JavaScript must
be enabled on your computer to use the word counter. If you do
not have it or don't want to use it, we will count the words
for you. If you try to type in a number, it will not work.
This word count is an estimate. Actual count will be checked by our staff.
To increase the accuracy of this estimate, please be sure to type a space between words.
Be careful to use a space between words separated by slashes or other
punctuation, and at the end of a line or sentence. Examples:
- Looking for guitarist/ [space] vocalist.
- Singer/ [space] songwriter/ [space]guitarist available.
- Must have pro gear.[space] Call Fred.
Please tell us how long to run your ad: |
Run this ad for
Please send a renewal reminder.
Check the Renewal Reminder box if you want us to email
you when it's time to renew your ad.
Add links to your web ad: |
Email link:
Website link:
Zip Code:
Your ad will be posted on our
website at no extra charge. Use
this section to add more information to your web ad.
Enter your email address. Examples:
Enter your website address. Examples:
Zip Code:
Enter a zip code so readers can find you based on your location.
This doesn't have to be your home zip code; for example, you
might want to use the zip code of your rehearsal space.
Please tell us how we can reach you: |
Name (First AND Last):
Company or Band Name (optional):
and ZIP Code:
*Area Code
and Phone Number:
Required information -- for our files only.
This information will NOT appear in your ad.
We cannot process your order if you do not fill out this section. |
Tell us how you would like to pay: |
*Type of Card:
*Card Number:
This box must be checked
to process your order.
I authorize Illinois Entertainer
to charge my credit card for the cost of this ad. I understand
that the word count above is an estimate, is subject to verification
by IE staff, and may affect the price of this ad.
Please be sure to include your payment information. This information is kept confidential.
We cannot process your order if you do not fill out this section. |
Any comments or questions for us? |
Your order is not complete until you confirm the information on the next page.
You will receive an email confirmation
when we receive your ad. Please check it carefully for any mistakes
in your ad.
When you receive your confirmation,
you will have the chance to make corrections or changes to
your ad.
If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact us.
We will not
give or sell your email address to anyone else.