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Digital Divide: December 2011

Digital Divide: December 2011

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

As far as the crack staff here at “The Digital Divide” is concerned, there quite simply is no better time to be alive than this time of year. Not because of all the peace-on-Earth/goodwill-toward-men crap, but because of all the special-edition boxsets. Not gonna lie to ya – the thought of all the new mega-packages […]

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Digital Divide: November 2011

Digital Divide: November 2011

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

As anyone who has ever held a job for more than a week can tell you, the workplace sucks. Oh, people may tell you that they love their work and love what they do and couldn’t see themselves doing anything else and blah blah blah

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Digital Divide: October 2011

Digital Divide: October 2011

| September 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

There are certain touchstones in popular culture that demand attention whenever they become available in a new media form. Notably, back in the ’80s, the hype over The Beatles’ catalog being released on CD ensured that a few more millions would land in the pockets of the Fab Three (and estate of the Fab One).

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Digital Divide: August 2011

Digital Divide: August 2011

| August 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Deja Vu All Over Again D’ja ever find yourself watching the Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day and think, “This is cute and all, but I wonder what the military applications of living the same day over and over again would be”?

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Digital Divide: July 2011

Digital Divide: July 2011

| June 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

A Few Small Repairs If there’s one thing that can be taken as gospel, it’s the belief that if something works once, it will most assuredly work again for someone else. Of course, that little pearl of wisdom rarely turns out to be true, but it sure doesn’t stop Hollywood from clicking its heels three […]

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Digital Divide: June 2011

Digital Divide: June 2011

| May 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Take A Number And Get In Line I Am Number Four Touchstone No one ever said high school was easy. In fact, there are many who subscribe to the theory that “the greatest days of your life” are nothing but a constant series of kicks to the teeth. However, no matter how bad things get, […]

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Digital Divide: May 2011

Digital Divide: May 2011

| April 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Green Hornet Sony Pictures The Green Hornet has always been sort of the red headed stepchild of the hero world. Beginning as a radio serial in 1936, the Hornet was created to capitalize on the popularity of The Lone Ranger.

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Digital Divide: April 2011

Digital Divide: April 2011

| March 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Just as spring hits the Midwest, perhaps the most talked about film of 2010 hits the Blu-ray shelves: Darren Aronofsky‘s Black Swan (Fox Searchlight).

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Digital Divide: March 2011

Digital Divide: March 2011

| March 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Due Date Warner Home Video Funny thing about career revivals — one gets the impression that they can do no wrong. As a result, the actor in question will take roles that perhaps they should have been warned against.

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Digital Divide: February 2011

Digital Divide: February 2011

| February 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Get Your Motorhead Running Sometimes, you will see a documentary on this performer or that performer and just scratch your head in wonder. “Why,” you might muse, “is time and effort being wasted on this person. He/she has achieved nothing, but for some reason someone thinks we should know everything about them.” Unfortunately, this happens […]

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Digital Divide: January 2011

Digital Divide: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Inception Fox Home Video According to the literary and Tinsel-town adage, there are only seven plot lines with which to work. If you take this logic as absolute, then once you’ve seen a film with one of these individual stories, you’ve seen them all.

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Digital Divide: November 2010

Digital Divide: November 2010

| December 16, 2010 | 0 Comments

The Killer Inside Me IFC Films In the literary world of the ’40s and ’50s, there are writers of mystery and crime novels with standard whodunit plots that involve characters and situations to be neatly resolved at the end of act three.

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Digital Divide: December 2010

Digital Divide: December 2010

| December 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Music For The Masses Tis the end of the year, and all through the biz, labels and production houses are releasing music DVDs des-igned to grab your nostalgia dollars. What, you really didn’t expect a rhyme there, did ya?

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Digital Divide: October 2010

Digital Divide: October 2010

| October 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Iron Man 2 Warner Bros. Iron Man may possibly be one of the best comic-book movies ever made, and its critical and financial success meant that the sequel was as inevitable as the sun rising in the east or Lindsay Lohan doing something stupid.

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Digital Divide: September 2010

Digital Divide: September 2010

| August 31, 2010 | 0 Comments

Look, It’s The City! Run! So this is how marriage is: You’re together for awhile, squeeze out a few kids, and settle into a routine. You go to work, you come home from work, feed and clean up after said kids, and do it all over again the next day. It goes without saying that […]

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