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Caught In A Mosh: December 2012

Caught In A Mosh: December 2012

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Trevor Fisher’s taking the month off, so, in his tradition of picking greatest-hits bits of his column, the IE staff has selected its “Caught In A Mosh” favorites since its 2007 debut. Punctuating the chronology are his top-5 records from each year, which will then be capped by his best-of-’11 next month.

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Caught In A Mosh: November 2011

Caught In A Mosh: November 2011

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Jagged Blue Pill I’m tired of writing introductions. It’s harder than you think. The Q&A portion is all done and ready to roll, but I still have to come up with some sort of synopsis of the who, what, when, why, and where the interview even exists.

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Caught In A Mosh: October 2011

Caught In A Mosh: October 2011

| September 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

There’s an old saying that goes “It’s better to have an unpopular opinion that’s popular than vice versa.” Actually, that’s not a saying at all. I’m not even sure it makes sense. It’s either cosmic or idiotic. I made it up while listening to Grand Magus (Iron Will!), drinking coffee, and writing this column one […]

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Caught In A Mosh: September 2011

Caught In A Mosh: September 2011

| August 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nouveau Sheet Music Remember last month when I conducted an interview with myself? Pretty awesome, yeah? To defend myself against accusations of narcissism, though, my reasoning for that column needs clarification: The originally planned feature with Swedish band Ghost never materialized.

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Caught In A Mosh: August 2011

Caught In A Mosh: August 2011

| August 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Four!!! I forgot, and I’m sorry. June was this column’s four-year anniversary, but like a horrible, drunk, stoned lazy, fatfuck of a father, I forgot my own child’s birthday and didn’t even realize it until two months later.

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Caught In A Mosh: July 2011

Caught In A Mosh: July 2011

| June 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

. . . And Justice For All In Use Your Illusion II‘s “Get In The Ring,” Axl Rose called out a number of rock journalists and editors, but famously referred to Mick Wall as the “punk in the press who wants to start shit by printing lies instead of the things we say.” There was […]

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Caught In A Mosh: June 2011

Caught In A Mosh: June 2011

| May 31, 2011 | 1 Comment

The Coroner’s Report For various reasons (some sensible, some stupid), metalheads are skeptical of reunions. Especially wary are death-metal fanatics, who just can’t seem to decide whether they love or hate the current comeback trend. It was lame-as-fuck, apparently, when Carcass (disbanded in 1995) toured in 2008 but awesome that Exhumed (hiatus since 2005) is […]

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Caught In A Mosh: May 2011

Caught In A Mosh: May 2011

| April 29, 2011 | 2 Comments

We’re Gonna Need More Power Alehorn Of Power is back. Promoter Greg Spalding took last year off for a number of reasons, including the hectic schedule of his own band, Bible Of The Devil. He admits, though, much of Alehorn’s 2010 shelving was the fact a solid start-to-finish lineup never materialized. “I am a fan […]

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Caught In A Mosh: April 2011

Caught In A Mosh: April 2011

| March 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Total Relapse I have a love-hate relationship with Relapse Records. On one hand, the label never, ever, ever sends me music. Never. Ever. And I’ve asked. Many times.

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Caught In A Mosh: March 2011

Caught In A Mosh: March 2011

| March 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Eastern Promises There’s very little to complain about when it comes to being a headbanger in Chicago. There are good-to-great shows every week of the year, metal-catering venues across the city, and a metric ton of homegrown talent.

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Caught In A Mosh: January 2011

Caught In A Mosh: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

Johnny, 5 Is Barely Alive What a strange year for picking a top-five list. This is the first time I’ve ever had so much trouble choosing my number one, for starters. Usually there is a hands-down favorite and the real fight is duked out for the fifth and final spot.

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Caught In A Mosh: December 2010

Caught In A Mosh: December 2010

| December 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

But The Metal Is So Delightful It’s that time of year. The days are shorter. The weather is colder (it’s actually, like, 60 degrees out as I write this, so . . . ). And your neighbors have that really goddamn obnoxious wreath on their door.

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Caught In A Mosh: November 2010

Caught In A Mosh: November 2010

| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

So Much For Sleep You’re forgiven if you live in Green River, Wyoming, and don’t know the name Chris Black (above, left). If you call yourself a Chicagoan and consider yourself a headbanger, but aren’t, however, familiar with his 15 years in metal, then you’re a failure.

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Caught In A Mosh: October 2010

Caught In A Mosh: October 2010

| October 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

With The Lights Out Aaron Aites and Audrey Ewell love black metal. More accurately, Aaron Aites and Audrey Ewell are obsessed with black metal. The couple spent significant time at Aquarius Records in San Francisco where friend and co-owner Andee Connors recognized the couple’s bias toward lo-fi music and suggested they check out black metal.

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Caught In A Mosh: September 2010

Caught In A Mosh: September 2010

| August 31, 2010 | 1 Comment

Mightier Than The Sword?! Here’s the thing about digital voice recorders: the “record” button must be pressed in order to record something. Actually, there are voice-activated options, but I don’t trust ’em. There’s too much at risk when conducting an interview to trust a tiny-ass sound sensor inside a tiny-ass digital record to kick on […]

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