Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl


Media: January 2013

Media: January 2013

| January 24, 2013 | 4 Comments

My favorite book of the past year is James VanOsdol’s We Appreciate Your Enthusiasm: The Oral History Of Q101.

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Media: December 2012

Media: December 2012

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

When the John Records Landecker Show ended in 2003, radio producer Rick Kaempfer left the industry and started writing books, beginning with 2004’s The Radio Producer’s Handbook (co-written with John Swanson). In 2007 he followed up with $everance –  a scathing satirical novel about the sad state of corporate radio. Kaempfer says things have only […]

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Media: November 2012

Media: November 2012

| October 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Open any newspaper or media website and you’re likely to see more hard news bylines belonging to men than women – and even fewer by minorities. But it’s not part of a conspiracy, says Michele Weldon, seminar leader at The OpEd Project. “The gender gap in most all cases is not deliberate. It is a […]

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Media: October 2012

Media: October 2012

| October 1, 2012 | 2 Comments

I recently had a driveway moment while listening to Loyola University’s WLUW-FM (87.7). The host was doing an in-depth, hour-long retrospective on Daft Punk – whom I’d never heard. Yet I couldn’t stop listening. The way the show’s host, Steve Damien, used live and pre-recorded interviews with full-length versions of songs to tell the story […]

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Media: September 2012

Media: September 2012

| August 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Chicago is one of the most talented cities in the country as comedians, actors, artists, bands, indie filmmakers, etc,” says Craig Erpelding, creator and writer and co-producer of the new, independently-produced local sitcom, “Two Flat.” “I felt it was a tragedy that sitcoms that are supposed to take place in Chicago are really produced in […]

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Media: August 2012

Media: August 2012

| July 31, 2012 | 1 Comment

Remember Michael Essany? He’s the teen who hosted a nighttime public access talk show in his parents’ Valparaiso living room from 1997 to 2007. In 2003 and 2004, he starred on an eponymous reality show on E! and was poised to take over late-night television.

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Media: July 2012

Media: July 2012

| June 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Former “Local 101” producer Jaime Black just landed a gig in front of the cameras at “JBTV.”

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Media: June 2012

Media: June 2012

| May 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

After nearly a year without a commercial alternative-rock station, Chicago has now has two — both of which pay homage to the old Q101: WKQX-LP on 87.7-FM and Q101 on WJJG-AM (1530).

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Media: May 2012

Media: May 2012

| May 1, 2012 | 1 Comment

From bizarro Eddie and JoBo wreaking havoc at the auto show to John Tesh backing up a yellow-haired “Christoper Walken” crooning holiday tunes to a wacky “Jerry Lewis” performing with the Million Dollar Quartet, the “WGN Morning News” dances the line between news and entertainment.

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Media: April 2012

Media: April 2012

| March 30, 2012 | 3 Comments

Both children and their parents love singer/songwriter Ralph Covert‘s “Ralph’s World” indie-pop CDs.

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Media: March 2012

Media: March 2012

| February 29, 2012 | 11 Comments

In the 1970s, local radio legend Steve Dahl revolutionized talk radio with his raw form of radio verite. Now, he’s breaking new ground by turning his “Dahlcast” podcast (at into a podcast network haven for personalities who are no longer on airwaves and deserve to be heard.

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Media: February 2012

Media: February 2012

| January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Chris Auman and his buddy Tom Ziegler conceived of Reglar Wiglar during a night of drinking in Lincoln Park’s punk-rock haunt Delilah’s in 1993. The first two black-and-white, text-only issues poked fun at alternative music, and featured fake record reviews and fake interviews with fake bands.

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Media: January 2012

Media: January 2012

| December 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Back in 1979, half of Chicago tuned into Wally Philips’ popular WGN-AM (720) morning show. That year, newcomer Steve Dahl released his song parodying the venerable Philips and his loyal listeners, “Oh Wally.”

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Media: December 2011

Media: December 2011

| December 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

Q101 may have flipped its format in July, but the music rocks on at The busy website features streaming music, entertainment, and information aimed at alternative-rock fans.

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Media: November 2011

Media: November 2011

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

‘Jubilee Showcase’ Revisited Soul Train has a reputation for being Chicago’s groundbreaking showcase for African-American musicians. But six years before Don Cornelius launched that great show on WCIU-TV, there was “Jubilee Showcase.”

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