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Caught In A Mosh: March 2013

Caught In A Mosh: March 2013

| March 1, 2013 | 3 Comments

For decades, Elk Grove Township was home to the sprawling headquarters of United Airlines and with it a spectacular outdoor swimming pool at the base of a hotel full of 22-year-old flight-attendant trainees. Ladies, who wants a suntan?

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Caught In A Mosh: February 2013

Caught In A Mosh: February 2013

| February 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Chicago’s most enigmatic touring black-metal act performs (and practices) in head-to-toe paramilitary uniform.

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Caught In A Mosh: January 2013

Caught In A Mosh: January 2013

| January 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

If heavy metal is a religion (as thousands of people in the latest U.K. census claimed by writing it in as their faith), then who is God?

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Caught In A Mosh: December 2012

Caught In A Mosh: December 2012

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Paul O’Neill is finding it difficult getting into the Christmas spirit this year. The last of his guests arrived last night, and today they’re putting the finishing touches on the annual holiday lights display. The patriarch of the family is certain this year his lights will impress everyone who gets to see them. (Spoiler: He […]

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Caught In A Mosh: November 2012

Caught In A Mosh: November 2012

| October 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Attempting to make it as a New Yorker and failing carries with it a few stories. Here is a doozy: I once lived next door to an Irish nurse who would drop a bowling ball on the floor after midnight because she didn’t like the Brazilian couple downstairs. She threw boric acid on their child. […]

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Caught In A Mosh: October 2012

Caught In A Mosh: October 2012

| October 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

It never fails. Friends grow up, record stores shutter, liner notes shrink, columnists retire, and servers get hacked. But one tried-and-true way of discovering underground music will always remain: the cover song. This writer had never heard of Death In June – possibly the darkest folk group – before Nachtmystium covered “Rose Clouds Of Holocaust” […]

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Caught In A Mosh: September 2012

Caught In A Mosh: September 2012

| August 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

We’ve been on that path for many years,” says a voice seven hours in the future. In Sweden, it is already dark. Ola Lindgren, vocalist/guitarist of Grave, assumes nothing while fielding foreign questions in preparation of Grave’s North American tour with Morbid Angel and Dark Funeral. He is referring to the no-frills gravel road his […]

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Caught In A Mosh: August 2012

Caught In A Mosh: August 2012

| July 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Listen to enough U.S. talk radio these days, and one could believe he or she lives in the land of a vintage Vince Locke Cannibal Corpse album cover. On a pink Miami highway ramp lie two leaking men: one is stripped, ass-up, and stiff, bleeding out from a bullet hole in the back.

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Caught In A Mosh: July 2012

Caught In A Mosh: July 2012

| June 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Five years ago on the day Nachtmystium signed its original North American publishing deal with Century Media, vocalist/guitarist Blake Judd planned his final escape from black metal. At his then home in suburban St. Charles, the frontman

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Caught In A Mosh: June 2012

Caught In A Mosh: June 2012

| May 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Our July 2007 cover story on Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival at Toyota Park focused on the increasingly limited role of lead guitarists in pop music. Les Paul and Jim Marshall have since died, meanwhile potential investors have been

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Caught In A Mosh: May 2012

Caught In A Mosh: May 2012

| May 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Staring at the cover of Iron Maiden‘s En Vivo! (UME) DVD — Bruce Dickinson exulting in front of what looks like Chile’s entire population — you get a vivid sense of metal’s enduring popularity, something dissected heavily in the book Metal Rules The Globe I reviewed in March.

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Caught In A Mosh: April 2012

Caught In A Mosh: April 2012

| March 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

The giveaway — apart from the byline and absence of Super Troopers references — that Trevor Fisher has been taking some deserved time off from IE has been zero babbling on one of three fronts: High On Fire, Superchrist, or Bible Of The Devil.

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Caught In A Mosh: March 2012

Caught In A Mosh: March 2012

| February 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

In an analogy that might only otherwise work for Long Island’s hockey community or the blue half of Merseyside, metal fans are the sports equivalent of White Sox fans. There’s an inferiority complex that transcends their so-called rivalry with regional — or, in this case, cultural — opposition, coupled with a stilted pride about doing […]

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Caught In A Mosh: February 2012

Caught In A Mosh: February 2012

| January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

In mid December, Metallica – drunk on the euphoria building for their 30th-anniversary celebrations, or scampering to mitigate the damage caused by Lulu – made the unusual decision to sell some demos on iTunes.

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Caught In A Mosh: January 2012

Caught In A Mosh: January 2012

| December 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Like Hulk Hogan, I am a real American. That means, first and foremost, I fight for the rights of every man. It also means I use geographically specific release dates for my year-ending top five. Hence Ghost‘s Opus Eponymous inclusion

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