CHIRP Record Fair!
Journeyman Plumbers Union, Chicago

This weekend (April 10th and 11th) is the Chicago Independent Radio Project (CHIRP)’s annual record fair, once again in the West Loop at 1340 W. Washington.
While dealing in the usual stock-in-trade like LPs, CDs, posters, and crafts (think what you’ve seen at Pitchfork Festival), if you stop chirping for a second you’ll hear tracks pulled by local-star DJs from bands like Allá, Mannequin Men, and Disappears, as well as live performances from Pretty Good Dance Moves and Judson Claiborne. If that’s not enough, Goose Island headlines the food and drink vendors.
CHIRP is a volunteer organization whose aim is to lobby the FCC and Congress on current radio-broadcast laws, “to remove existing barriers that prohibit granting of low power FM radio licenses in urban areas, including Chicago.”
Visit to learn more about the vendors, how to become one, or to donate.
— Steve Forstneger