Pravda Records 25th Anniversary
The Service, The Slugs, Boom Hank
Abbey Pub, Chicago
Friday, January 22, 2010

Though he’s never flaunted his wares like Touch And Go, Thrill Jockey, Drag City, or Bloodshot, Kenn Goodman’s Pravda Records confidently collected a reputable catalog over the past quarter-century and rightfully celebrates this Friday at the Abbey.
This isn’t a dig at other labels or commentary on Goodman’s promotional competence, but Pravda never seemed like it was in the business of putting out records. A lot of variables go into keeping or losing such a reputation, but based on this party’s lineup — The Service (featuring Goodman), The Slugs, and Boom Hank — even when congratulating himself he can’t help be modest. The benefit is a steady pace, while others meet success, are forced to keep up with demand, then scale back (sometimes dramatically) when times aren’t so good.
Times have generally been good at Pravda, however, Goodman still has his hand in a number of bands and, if it’s not the flashiest roster, people who know Chicago bands have always looked to it not for the next-big-thing, but old friends like New Duncan Imperials, Cheer-Accident, and The Goldstars.
— Steve Forstneger
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly
God Save The Slugs!