Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Archive for June, 2009

Hello, My Name Is Dan

Hello, My Name Is Dan

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

Q&A With Tortoise’s Dan Bitney IE: Beacons Of Ancestorship is a mouthful of a title. What were the runners up? Dan Bitney: That’s always the biggest struggle for us — naming stuff is the last thing we do. Appearing: Friday, July 17th at Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago.

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File: June 2009

File: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

VIA CHICAGO This space was originally a set of light jibes regarding the legal dispute brought against Wilco‘s Jeff Tweedy by former bandmate and writing partner Jay Bennett. Bennett, who was fired in 2001 after seven years in Wilco, claimed Tweedy owed him songwriting royalties as well as compensation for his appearance in the documentary […]

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DVD Zone: June 2009

DVD Zone: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

Revolutionary Road 20th Century Fox After taking a trip to the Middle East with Jarhead, director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road To Perdition) returns to the fertile ground of middle-American dysfunction with Revolutionary Road. Teaming up again are Titanic co-stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio as April and Frank Wheeler, but there are no “king […]

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Caught In A Mosh: June 2009

Caught In A Mosh: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

THE DEVIL IN DETAIL “I’ll be shocked if The Devil You Know isn’t absolutely awesome.” I typed those words in my April column. It was less than a month until said Heaven & Hell album’s April 28th release and I, like many metalheads, was very excited.

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Media: June 2009

Media: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

FREE RADIO STILL RELEVANT – ESPECIALLY FOR MUSICIANS A few years ago, Massachusetts-based musician Candace Clement was in a band called Better Friends Than Lovers when she started taking a hard look at how the music industry works. “A pattern quickly emerged — one where very few companies seemed to control all content,” says Clement, […]

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Around Hear: June 2009

Around Hear: June 2009

| June 1, 2009

Beaujolais‘ Love At Thirty (Parasol) revolves around divorce, with melancholy tracks like “Nightmare In A Healthy Brain” and “Please Don’t Let This Be True” over-sharing Joe Ziemba’s (The Like Young, Wolfie) dark emotions.

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Sweet Home: June 2009

Sweet Home: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

TURNING 20 On June 9th, 1989, Buddy Guy and Junior Wells performed a memorable set of acoustic blues at the Front Porch stage during the Chicago Blues Festival. This writer was there, MCing that particular stage. Once the show was over, I was directed to announce to the lingering crowd that they should make it […]

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Gear: June 2009

Gear: June 2009

| June 1, 2009 | 0 Comments

B.C Rich Kerry King V Generation 2 B.C. Rich and Slayer guitarist Kerry King have teamed up to assemble two new guitar models for collectors and first-time players. Bill Xavier, vice president of B.C. Rich, was a proud papa when speaking about this new collaboration with King. “Kerry has an innate understanding of his fans […]

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