Local Studio Happenings
CARTERCO RECORDING in Chicago is offering a Graveyard Shift special: $20-per-hour recording between midnight and 8 a.m . . . Carterco recently updated its MIDI capabilities with an M-Audio keyboard controller and some virtual instruments and plans on upgrading its Pro Tools rig to 8.0 as soon as it’s released . . . Arctic Fox started work on its EP. Initial drum, bass, and guitar tracking was taped and then transferred to digital . . . It Is What It Is, Tongue Tied Lightning, and Varuna were in as part of the Sound Alternative program . . . Truevine M.B. Church touched up a recent live recording . . . ATB Soldiers worked on its latest mix tape . . . Terry Keating started his new album . . . Brad McGrath engineered and mixed Nevertheless, Vain‘s new record, and co-produced, engineered, and mixed Unplugged And Reborn‘s new EP . . . Bill Green worked on some mixes of a Jake La Botz show recorded at the old Chess Studios . . . Don Francis did overdubs with Tacoma Narrows and For All The Sweet Children.

At STUDIOCHICAGO in Chicago, legendary metal band Anthrax recorded drums for its new release, Worship Music. ‘Thrax guitarist and producer Rob Caggiano (Cradle Of Filth, Bleeding Through) told Illinois Entertainer the band hopes to finish recording by February. “That’s what we’re shooting for,” he said during a brief break from editing skinsman Charlie Benante‘s takes, “we’ll see how it goes, but as of right now, that’s the plan.” Caggiano (who joined the group in 2001, produced 2003’s full-length We’ve Come For You All, and mixed the following year’s The Greater Of Two Evils compilation) and Benante spent a week in November at StudioChicago (“The whole place is killer,” Caggiano gushed about the studio) recording drums. Though the the entire band – guitarist Scott Ian, bassist Frankie Bello, and vocalist Dan Nelson – were present for some of the sessions, Caggiano will crisscross the country to complete the album. After Chicago it’s off to New York to record Bello’s bass, then to Los Angeles to track Ian’s rhythm parts, then back to New York for vocals before finally returning to L.A. to do his own leads and overdubs.
“It’s all going to work out. It’s just hard on me,” he said with a hearty laugh.
So what can fans expect from Worship Music? “Musically, I’m actually more stoked on this than I was on We’ve Come For You All,” he admits. “I think the the tunes are awesome, and the music is really strong. I’m definitely super psyched on it.”
Engineers were Asim Ali, George Langis, and Andy Lagis; assistant engineers were Zachariah Jarrett and Matt Riffle . . . Also at StudioChicago, Richie Rich And The Chi-Town Blues Band worked on a CD set to be released by the end of the year; Wes Blaha engineered . . . The Merging recorded, mixed, and mastered with engineer/mixer Zach Goheen. Al Ursini mastered the project.
At UP ON THE ROOF RECORDING in Lombard, Machine Gun Kelly returned from a brief hiatus to work on vocals for its pending full length. Owner/engineer Mark Blas produced . . . Blas also recorded and mixed songwriter/guitarist Victor Villarreal‘s (Ghosts & Vodka, Owls, Noyes) acoustic album.
Hey Studiophiler: To get your studio or band listed in “Studiophile,” just e-mail info on whom you’re recording or who’s recording you to ed@illinoisentertainer.com, subject Studiophile, or fax (312) 930-9341. We reserve the right to edit or omit submissions for space. Deadline for the February issue is January 15th.
Category: Columns, Monthly, Studiophile