Happy B(uddy)-Day!

Another year, another Buddy Guy birthday celebration.
The ageless wonder turned 71-years old July 30th, and he still has more spunk than you and me combined and after three Red Bulls a piece. And that deserves a party. Where better to have it than the five-time Grammy winner, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductee, and Chicago icon’s own club, Legends? (Yes, the same Buddy Guy’s Legends that was supposed to be booted out of its current S. Wabash digs back in June.) On Tuesday, August 14th, 10 smackers will get you in the door (tickets available night of the show, according to the press release) for $3.50 Heineken, Heineken Light, and Amstel Light, birthday cake, giveaways, and live blues from The Brother John Band, possibly – wink, wink – to be joined onstage by Guy himself.
– Trevor Fisher