Dearborn’s Album Giveaway
Local band Dearborn don’t only condone downloading their new record, they’re actually inviting you to do it right in front of them!

If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em, right? Whether we like it or not digital downloading is part of the musical culture now, and local alt-rockers Dearborn have realized and embraced it. That’s why their CD release party for Always In Disguise will be a little different than what most bands do. Disguise (Sideways 8) will be sold in the traditional CD-and-jewel-case format, but it will also be available for free digital download at 10 docking stations to anyone who enters Metro on March 23rd with their iPod or a USB thumb drive.
Dearborn claim this is their way of saying thanks to hometown fans. Nice. But we think it’s a cunning way to find out who is really down with the band. Remember that when you’re standing in line to download for free while stacks of CDs sit unsold at the merch table.
– Trevor Fisher