Three5Human review
A Swig From The Acid Bottle
Not only do the Indigo Girls guest on A Swig From The Acid Bottle, they’ve dragged Three5Human on tour with them.

The Girls have always been inherently political, generally in respect to their sexuality, and that has grown with the opportunities provided by the current administration. But they don’t have quite the fire of Three5Human. Named for the dubious three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution — in which southern populations (and thus Congressional representation) were boosted by counting slaves as partial humans — vocalist Trina Meade howls at injustice with the intensity of a blues club belter. Though the recording of A Swig From The Acid Bottle doesn’t fully compliment them — Meade is all bluster and no nuance; the guitars are too compressed — tracks like “Genocidal Youth,” “Come Alive,” and “Disco Ragdoll” sink their teeth in with no chance of letting go.
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: October 27th and 28th at The Vic.