Stones Throw From An Adult Swim
Stones Throw From An Adult Swim
Adult Swim, sort of the WB for Cartoon Network, is sponsoring a tour for the members of the Stones Throw imprint, stopping at Metro on Saturday, October 28th.

Having cured late-night depression with its 15-minute, absurdist cartoon attacks (“Robot Chicken,” “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”) Adult Swim have teamed with avant hip-hop label Stones Throw (Madvillain, J Dilla) for a nationwide tour, the first for underground impresario Madlib. Accompanied by Peanut Butter Wolf, J.Rocc, Percee P, and Oh No, they’ll be recreating songs from the Chrome Children compilation as well as catalog cuts and probably sidesplitting animation. (In case you ever wondered why DJ Danger Mouse and MF Doom were in animal suits for the Danger Doom press photos, now you know.)
— Steve Forstneger