An Albatross Reviewed
An Albatross
Blessphemy (Of The Pearce-Beast Feastgiver And The Bear-Warp Kumite)
(Ace Fu)
Twenty-seven minutes of chaos, brought to you by the fine folks of An Albatross.

Records like Blessphemy are measuring sticks for a writer’s vocabulary and ability to craft imagery. “Masturbating while tied to a airline propeller” could be one way to describe it. “Falling in the Amazon and getting shredded by piranha while an electric eel anally rapes you,” could be another. But one word works best: balderdash. Chaotic “time signatures” compete for irritability alongside incoherent screams, the occasional R&B bass groove, and a synthesizer apparently trying to Muzak grindcore. Since it’s what An Albatross journeyed to create, some credit is due. Otherwise, it’s just noise.
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: August 30th at Beat Kitchen.
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