Los Lobos CD Review
Los Lobos
Wolf Tracks: The Best Of Los Lobos
You have to wonder, if Los Lobos could do it all again, would they still have signed up for the La Bamba soundtrack?

Because for most, it robbed them of their identity as one of America’s best rock bands. Instead, they’ve been ingrained as the masters of Ritchie Valens’ iconic, traditional Mexican anthem and little more. Never mind albums like 1992’s Kiko stood like beacons while grunge rock and gangsta rap scrambled for chart position. Yes, they have a proud, Latino identity (“Anselma,” “La Pistola Y El Corazón”), but “Will The Wolf Survive,” “One Time One Night,” and the Booker T.-ish “That Train Don’t Stop Here” are some of the finest examples of Americana available.
— Steve Forstneger