Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Remixed Artifacts

| February 8, 2006

Sound Tribe Sector 9
Artifact: Perspectives

Collabo-electronic outfit offer up 2005’s Artifacts to friends like Mr. Lif, Bill Laswell, and Slicker to remix the thing.

The whole idea of STS9 is still a trifle confusing. Quintet — check. From Georgia — yup. Electronic. Huh? But as the fans who pack their shows and guests on this remix disc attest, the premise isn’t as ludicrous as the proverbial pig dress or bull tits. Perspectives, like most remix collections, is a (pardon the pun) mixed bag existing more as a curiosity than essential document. Complicating things is the recurrence of several tracks several times (“Possibilities,” “Better Day,” “Tokyo”) none of which justifies the multiple takes, except Mr. Lif’s sublime, Q-Tip-ish flow on the third “Possibilities.”


— Steve Forstneger

Appearing: February 10 and 11 at House Of Blues in Chicago.

Click here for Sound Tribe Sector 9 downloads.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. FlowFeel says:

    These guys have been a FlowFeel Fav for awhile and they are getting hotter – they sold out 2 nights at the HOB – Nice!

  2. mits says:

    dude those are awsome pics man

    rock on