Propagandhi CD review
Potemkin City Limits
(Fat Wreck Chords)

Sometimes we remember the dumbest shit. Can’t recall the issue, but in the early ’90s, someone wrote to R.I.P. complaining Anthrax weren’t metal, but punk.
If that’s the standard, then Propagandhi are certainly more thrash than punk (minus the Joan Of Arc-ish “Cut Into The Earth”). But unlike Anthrax, who could be overtly (“Who Cares Wins”) and indirectly (“Belly Of The Beast”) political, Propagandhi never smile. Glen Lambert, who does the lion’s share of singing on Potemkin (should be Polemic) City Limits, has no sense of humor. Should he? I don’t fuckin’ know. Some would say look at the world around you, others say “have a soul.” Either way, if you think punk rock is the best way to preach a message — and by “preach” we mean Fugazi at their most condescending — you missed a lecture. Propagandhi have been at this since 1986; you do the math.
— Steve Forstneger
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