Tag: Kanye West

Photo Gallery: Magnificent Coloring Day @ US Cellular Field
Curt Baran captured a historic day of music on the South Side produced by Chance The Rapper with special guests Kanye West, Tyler The Creator, John Legend, Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz, Common, Alicia Keys and more a cast of 44,000 fans. Read Jessi Roti’s full review HERE

Interview: No I.D.
Grab your torches, we found the person responsible for Kanye West. Actually, while most of local hip-hop history goes relatively unsung, people far and wide shout No I.D.’s praises – probably without knowing it.

Kanye West & Jay-Z live!
Let’s get this out of the way upfront. Yes, Kanye West and Jay-Z played “N***** In Paris” eight times this past Wednesday at the United Center, the first of the duo’s two-night run at the venue. Yes, it was a bit like one of those “Family Guy” gags that go on so long it stops […]

Kid Sister interview
Coming Unstuck “If you put out good music, it doesn’t matter when you put it out. It’s gonna get buzz, it’s gonna get what it needs to get. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to ride on the tails of some whatever — if you make sure that what you do is consistently excellent, you […]

Blogging the Grammys
The 2009 Grammy Awards In an unprecedented scene (especially because he hadn’t been nominated for anything), The Rock took home four Grammys.
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