Tag: chicago

It’s a shame about Ray
In memory of the late Doors keyboardist and St. Rita High School alum, IE flashes back to Steve Forstneger’s interview from 2012 on the heels of a reissue of The Doors’ L.A. Woman. (Manzarek photo: Pat Johnson; Doors photo: Paul Ferrara) View Steve Forstneger’s Ray Manzarek interview HERE

Full Lollapalooza schedule revealed
And just like that your dreams of seeing both Nine Inch Nails and Lana Del Rey are crushed

Interview: Archie Powell & The Exports
Archie Powell calls “bullshit” on any scribe rendered useless by the taunts of that cursor blinking like a ticking time bomb on a blank document. Bathing in the sickly light of a computer screen alone won’t pull a song out from the ether.

Interview: Dolly Varden
Dolly Varden has been releasing albums since its critically-acclaimed debut, Mouthful Of Lies, came out in 1995, but describing the Chicago-based quintet’s music can still be a bit tricky.

Christmas albums: The good, bad, and bah humbug!
Reviews of Rod Stewart, Sufjan Stevens, Cee Lo, Chicago . . .

Update: Amanda Palmer to pay musicians
Update: Amanda Palmer will pay the local horn and string players she previously enlisted to volunteer when her band of merry players rolled into town. A barrage of criticism aimed at the singer (see below) caused her to rethink the practice. She addressed the kerfuffle and change of heart on her blog: “for better or […]
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