Digital Divide

Digital Divide: March 2013
Upon its release, Skyfall received the most hype of any film in the 50-year history of the James Bond franchise

Digital Divide: February 2013
From deep in the file marked, “Didn’t we learn anything the first time?” comes Taken 2.

Digital Divide: December 2012
So here we are again. Seems that another year has rolled by, and now the pressure is on to indulge in the spirit of giving and pony up some hard-earned cash in order to avoid having the albatross of handing out the lamest gift hanging around our necks. Don’t worry. As curator and guardian of […]

Digital Divide: November 2012
Magical Mystery Tour EMI At the halfway point of their career, The Beatles found the pedal marked “creative experimentation” and floored it. The three years between 1965 and 1967 saw them release the most stunningly original albums in the rock era with Rubber Soul, Revolver, and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was a […]

Digital Divide: October 2012
The Cabin In The Woods Lionsgate The Avengers Lionsgate If anyone had a better summer at the box office than Joss Whedon, I sure couldn’t tell you who it was. Not only did he direct the highest grossing film of the year, but another one of his projects finally saw the light of day after […]

Digital Divide: September 2012
The Hunger Games Lionsgate Full disclosure: The latest and hottest young adult works of fiction have never quite been able to make an appearance on my reading list. Not because I’m a literary snob mind you (O.K., I’m a bit of a snob, sue me), but I stopped being the target audience more years ago […]

Digital Divide: August 2012
Boss: Season One Lionsgate It has become increasingly clear that the quality of programming on the major networks has been in a serious nose dive for almost a decade. There used to be a time when serious, thoughtful dramas and well-written comedies were actually the norm. Apparently, with a few rare exceptions, those went out […]

Digital Divide: July 2012
It’s generally accepted that The Beatles were one of, if not the most creative and innovative musical forces of our lifetimes. What they accomplished in a mere eight years is beyond impressive – it’s staggering. But beyond

Digital Divide: June 2012
It’s got to be quite a daunting task: how do you make the transition from creating an iconic film character beloved around the world, to leaving it behind and staking your claim to a long and successful career? Some, like Sean Connery, manage

Digital Divide: May 2012
There’s something about hearing dir-ector Steven Soderbergh making a straightforward action film that immediately sent up a few red flags. First and foremost is the fact that Soderbergh has never made a straightforward film in his life.

Digital Divide: April 2012
There are two things with which Hollywood has a spotty record. The first is making decent films out of popular fiction. Notice I didn’t say successful films from popular fiction, but decent.

Digital Divide: March 2012
Is there a group of people more reviled these day than Wall Street brokers? The answer, of course, depends on whether the placard you have on your front lawn includes an elephant or a donkey. Oh sure, Congress is an easy target for the general public’s scorn, but let’s face it: there really isn’t a […]

Digital Divide: February 2012
Having a lot of buzz surrounding a film doesn’t always mean big box office. For all of the critical acclaim surrounding Drive, the returns didn’t match the hype. Unfortunate – as Drive is one of the best films of 2011.

Digital Divide: January 2012
So if you believe those wacky Mayans (and really, when have they ever lied to us?), there’s less than a year left on the lease here on the big blue marble. The countdown to oblivion is coming to town, so get dressed.
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