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Christina Aguilera Reviewed

Christina Aguilera Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

Christina Aguilera Back To Basics (RCA) It would take an artist as complex as Christina Aguilera to record a double album and call it Back To Basics.

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Voicst Reviewed

Voicst Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

Voicst 11:11 (Intrigue) Taking their name from South African slang for “manic energy,” Holland’s Voicst release their Stateside debut.

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Stefy Reviewed

Stefy Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 2 Comments

Stefy The Orange Album (Wind Up) Sleaze-pop hopeful Stefy Rae does the right thing.

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Goat Reviewed

Goat Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

Goat Twisted Heart (Engine Room) Still early in his career, Goat, aka Anthony Rosen, is on the slow track to becoming a Bruce Cockburn.

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Broadcast Reviewed

Broadcast Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

Broadcast Future Crayon (Warp) B-sides and rarities compilatiton from underrated, cinematic electronic quintet.

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Liam Singer Reviewed

Liam Singer Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 2 Comments

Liam Singer Our Secret Lies Beneath The Creek (Tell-All) While this collection would surely be more intriguing had The Creek meant the actor, Liam Singer’s post rocking of classical music will do.

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The Colour Reviewed

The Colour Reviewed

| August 30, 2006 | 0 Comments

The Colour Devil’s Got A Holda Me (Rethink) The British spelling “colour” has occupied more bandnames than merits mention, and this Los Angeles band don’t clarify the matter.

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Cover Story: Touch And Go Records At 25

Cover Story: Touch And Go Records At 25

| August 29, 2006 | 1 Comment

Touch & Go Records Rusk Never Sleeps “We attempted to celebrate 10 and failed. There was a coffee mug, I think that was as far as it got. We tried to do a 10th anniversary compilation and failed so miserably that we’d try to finish it and have a 13th anniversary celebration — ’cause that […]

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Hello, My Name Is Roger

Hello, My Name Is Roger

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments

Hello, My Name Is Roger IE: Do you appreciate how The Byrds are remembered, or is there an angle people never really grasped? Roger McGuinn: Well, on the whole I’d say The Byrds are underappreciated when you think of The Beatles, The Stones, and The Beach Boys. But they’re sort of a musician’s band.

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Massive Attack Interview

Massive Attack Interview

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments

Massive Attack Calm, Cool, And Collected Having spearheaded an entire musical genre doesn’t mean too much to Massive Attack’s Robert Del Naja. The band’s critical record is virtually unblemished and even in the marginalized realm of electronic music in America, their very name commands respect. Yet 15 years in the trenches — 23 if you […]

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Lupe Fiasco Interview

Lupe Fiasco Interview

| August 29, 2006 | 6 Comments

Lupe Fiasco Go Time By the time this story hits the press, Lupe Fiasco will still be awaiting the drop of his debut album, Food & Liquor (Atlantic) — more than half a year after its originally scheduled release date. Following an Internet leak of the album this past spring, among other snafus, it just […]

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Mastodon Interview

Mastodon Interview

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments

Mastodon Land Ho Mastodon vocalist/bassist Troy Sanders knows all about the classic struggle between man and animal. The topic made his band a household name, after all, when 2004’s Leviathan (Relapse), a concept album that revolved around Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, won the group acclaim from metalheads and indie hipsters alike.Appearing: September 14th at Metro […]

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Nina Gordon Interview

Nina Gordon Interview

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments

Nina Gordon’s Bleeding Heart “I don’t know if you’ve ever seen artichokes grow, but I haven’t [before] and it’s pretty amazing. It’s like a huge beanstalk, and at the top is an enormous globe that is a big old artichoke, and I’m not quite sure when I’m supposed to chop it and eat it, but […]

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The Tripwire

The Tripwire

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments Free Enterprise Back in the dark ages, before everyone and their brother had a blog pimping the hottest new MP3s of some yet-unheard of U.K. sensation or Stateside underground phenomenon, the Internet wasn’t commonplace for pedestrian music lovers to find new artists. However, it was a forum for industry heavyweights to drop new release […]

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File: September 2006

File: September 2006

| August 29, 2006 | 0 Comments

Idol Chatter Hot off the heels of last year’s Devil’s Playground, Billy Idol keeps the product chain coming with a concert DVD recorded at the somewhat-rundown-but-oh-so-punk-rock Congress Theatre.

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