Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Voicst Reviewed

| August 30, 2006


Taking their name from South African slang for “manic energy,” Holland’s Voicst release their Stateside debut.

They sure took their time — 11:11 was initially unveiled in 2004. But America hasn’t been too kind to Dutch rock, bending its ear only slightly for Golden Earring, Bettie Serveert, and The Ex. Fifty years rollin’, and that’s about it. Free of campy, European charm, Voicst tear through 14 tracks in 40 minutes, barely looking around to assess the damage they cause. Mutated from the Nirvana strain that gave us The Vines, most of the songs go with the same sound: a seat-of-its-pants rhythm section, charging guitars, and Tjeerd Bornhof’s tuneful yell. For variety there’s the minute-long, acoustic “Someone Wake Me,” butt-shaking power pop of “Dazzled Kids,” and claphappy “Detail 2003.” Otherwise, put on your fire-resistant gear.


— Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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