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Long Live Vinyl

Hello My Name is Ian Broudie of The Lightning Seeds

| January 1, 2023


Ian Broudie

On the surface, itā€™s difficult to believe that 13 long years have crept by since brainy producer/multi-instrumentalist Ian Broudie released Four Winds, his last picture-perfect pop album as The Lightning Seeds, a dormant period the Brit is finally breaking with the shimmering new See You in the Stars, out last month. And when he stops to consider it, heā€™s a tad aghast himself. ā€œBut time just flies, doesnā€™t it?ā€ he notes, chortling. ā€œBut after I made the album Tilt, about 20 years ago, I stopped for a while, and then I made a solo album, and then I was going to do another one.ā€ The songs heā€™d written then were too personal and specific to make a traditional dreamy and nebulous band effort, a la its definitive Cloudcuckooland debut in 1990. But label execs pushed for Lightning Seeds material, so he compromised, issued **Four Winds under that more recognizable banner, and instantly regretted it. ā€œSo I definitely didnā€™t want to make another Lightning Seeds album until I had some songs ā€” if ever ā€” that felt like they were Lightning Seeds songs. Uhh, whatever that **is.ā€

What was so unusual and awkward about the Four WindsĀ tracks? ā€œI felt like it was just sad; it was just like a sad feeling,ā€ the composer appraises in hindsight. ā€œAnd I think Lightning Seeds is inherently positive, and although some of the words are sad, some of my sadder songs can be really elating, like a vitamin C tablet. Then a couple of years ago, I wrote some new tunes, and I felt like they did fit into that world.ā€ The wait was worth it. Only one **Stars number could be considered a bit lyrically glum ā€” the conversely jangling title track, an elegy to a good friend of the singerā€™s that passed away during lockdown But the rest ā€” from the foot-tapping “Losing Youā€ opener through an orchestral ā€œSun Shine,ā€ an organ-powered ā€œFit For Purpose,ā€ the echoey chimer ā€œGreen Eyes,ā€ and a swaying, aptly-named pop ditty dubbed ā€œGreat to Be Aliveā€ ā€” itā€™s a feel-good recording, from top to bottom, and a perfect beckoning sonic beacon to turn to as our world grows increasingly dark and dismal. Broudie paused to illuminate his own technique for an informative half hourā€¦.

IE: So See You in the StarsĀ kind of declared its arrival to you, then?

IAN BROUDIE: Itā€™s an abstract idea, you know ā€” will I write an album? Will I write a song? Because youā€™re not emotionally attached to it. But as soon as they become songs that youā€™ve written, and you think, ā€œOh, I like these! Iā€™d like people to hear them!ā€ Well, then you start really thinking, ā€œWell, if I want people to hear them, I need to record them, and then Iā€™ll need to record some more.ā€ So that was the beginning of me recording this album. That was three years ago when it started, but I did a lot of it during the pandemic.

IE: Who were you in quarantine with?

IB: For a lot of it, I was on my own. But in the beginning of it, my son Riley, his mom, lives in Spain, in Barcelona ā€” a very beautiful city with a lovely climate. But when it actually hit, we were just starting to do a few gigs, and I was in Glasgow, and I traveled home. And I donā€™t know if it was the same in America, but over here, that bit when it hit was seriously scary ā€” it felt like one of those zombie films where society totally breaks down, and youā€™re like, ā€œWhat is going to happen?ā€ So I was worried about her being in Barcelona, so I phoned her and said, ā€œWhy donā€™t you come and stay with me? Itā€™ll probably only be a couple of weeks, you know?ā€ So she managed to get back to the UK, and then she ended up staying with me for a couple of months, so it was good because neither of us were on our own. And then she went back to Barcelona, so the rest of the time, I was pretty much on my own, which I didnā€™t mind. It really focused me. There was something that I liked about it.

IE: How would your pandemic days proceed? Get up, have coffee, then what?

IB: Iā€™d get up at different times. I was very anxious, actually, so I was waking up a lot in the night. But then, Iā€™m a bit of a night owl ā€” I always have been. But I became a bit more like that, and a lot of the time when Iā€™m recording at home, Iā€™ll tend to do that at night, as well. So there was a lot of that going on ā€” a lot of waking up in the night, wandering up to the studio a little bit, and writing and finishing off some tunes. But I really didnā€™t want it to sound like an album that was done in the pandemic, and I hope it doesnā€™t. I think some of the subject matter is quite anxious, but I wanted it to be very positive. And I was onto that idea when the pandemic hit, so I tried not to get deflected from it in any way.

IE: At any point over the past 13 years, did you ever consider quitting and just doing production?

IB: You know what? I was enjoying the life of a troubadour, so I was just playing live, and I wasnā€™t even thinking about doing anything more. I used to produce a lot of bands, but Iā€™d stopped doing that, and I was just enjoying playing, really, playing in a field somewhere at a summer festival in Europe or the UK, and I loved it. Because Iā€™d always been a studio guy and a reluctant performer, really, and I had a lot of stage fright early on. But now I think I got over that, so I felt like, ā€œIf I write some new songs, great. And if I donā€™t? Thatā€™s okay.ā€ And when I say ā€˜troubadour,ā€™ I donā€™t mean I turn up on my own and play on my own ā€” I have a band, so thereā€™s five of us. But I just mean the life of a troubadour. I mean, I wish I was a wandering minstrel because itā€™s probably much less romantic than that. But I was just someone who plays, performs, and isnā€™t too worried about making another record, really. I just felt like, if it happened, itā€™d happen, but I wasnā€™t gonna force it.

IE: What denotes a perfect pop song to you when youā€™re writing it? Are there little boxes you have to tick off?

IB: Well, I hate the word` ā€˜pop song.ā€™ And I know people associate it with me a lot, but itā€™s a phrase I really hate. This idea that Iā€™m searching for perfection? I do think that the pursuit of excellence is not attempting to be perfect. And I am very one-track-minded, and I do overthink, and Iā€™m a little OCD in my life, and that translates into my music, so I want everything to feel right and be in the right places and feel great. But ā€˜popā€™ in the Warhol sense ā€” where itā€™s an explosion of a certain moment, and certain emotions and sounds are captured, framed, and then you hang it on the wall, and itā€™s a recording ā€” well, thatā€™s how I view it. And I do want to make them great, but this idea of perfection? I donā€™t know what perfection is, or would be, or why youā€™d want it, you know?

IE: And every year that goes by, many more songs are set in copyright stone. How on Earth do you pen a new one that nobody has ever heard before?

IB: Well, you see, itā€™s the mixture of things. I donā€™t really view music like that ā€” I view music as a concoction of familiar things, and itā€™s the blend of those familiar things that create its unique quality and its originality. To me, itā€™s like; you could say the same thing with, How can someone write a book when thereā€™s only 26 letters and everyoneā€™s used all the words? I feel the same way about music ā€” itā€™s the musicians, the feel of those musicians, the type of instruments that are put together. I suppose itā€™s different because Iā€™m talking about making a record, and the way I work, the song is created at the same time as the record, so itā€™s the same process. Iā€™m writing and recording it and changing it, so itā€™s like a witchā€™s brew, and plus, every bit of it is familiar. And it needs to be, in a way, because to trigger an emotion, it probably needs to be something that triggers a memory. So I think music is magical, and it affects us in a certain strange way ā€” it gets into your ear, but it gets somewhere else, as well. At the most emotional moments of your life, if youā€™re at a sports game or a wedding or just singing, music is what becomes just the most important focus in your head. Or thatā€™s how it often is for me, and for a lot of other people, I would say.

IE: Over the years, some of the best songwriters have all told me essentially that if you have your antennae up on a clear night, a lot of times the song will beam down to you from the Universe, virtually pre-written.

IB: Itā€™s quite a funny moment, isnā€™t it, with anything creative? Thereā€™s that moment before when it doesnā€™t exist and the moment later when it does exist. And you think, ā€œWhere did that come from? It wasnā€™t here a minute ago, and now itā€™s here.ā€ So you do get that feeling of it coming from somewhere. But creativity is a weird thing ā€” it comes and goes. Itā€™s like trying to fall asleep, isnā€™t it? Sometimes you can; sometimes you canā€™t. But life is a bit like that, isnā€™t it? One thing leads to another, and the world feels very small sometimes, as well. So Iā€™m a big believer in, well, just going with the flow, really. And I think sometimes in my life, Iā€™ve probably tried to control things a little bit too much, in a way, and then, later on, Iā€™ve felt like, ā€œYou know what? Letā€™s just let things happen. And if they donā€™t? They donā€™t. But hopefully, they will.

-Tom Lanham

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