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More Halloween than a Halloween

| October 18, 2011

No one has embraced Halloween and horror’s cliches like this man, yet turned them into something so idiosyncratic and identifiable.

Rob Zombie gives few interviews because they feel like work to him – the lazy bastard would rather fritter his time away making sure every miniscule detail in his music and movies meets the specifications of his beloved, B-movie horror favorites. As a sign of which format he’s come to prefer since “Beavis & Butthead” handed him a lifeline, he cleaned up his image for 2006’s Educated Horses, and then indulged the malodorous Tinseltown custom of crafting an inferior sequel to an outstanding original.

Click the October issue’s cover to read the full feature, or follow the tabs to Monthly –> Features for the previous entries.


Category: Featured, Features, Monthly

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