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Long Live Vinyl

Craft Beer Week continues. . .

| May 20, 2011

Minhas Simpler Times Pilsner

Americans have been told that Miller Lite is a pilsner beer, and full marks go to those advertising gurus whose hysterical laughter cannot be heard through those ad campaigns.

Even without Big Beverage’s interference, pilsners have had a rough go because the standard bearer, Pilsner-Urquell, must transport its wares across seven time zones and the attendant, merciless accomodations of temperature and atmospheric pressure. In short, that grassy malodor isn’t entirely the beer.

The color is what might shock you about Simpler Times’ offering — that’s if you bother to pour it out of its customary can (bottles are available). It’s always a bit snarky to mention aluminum notes when commenting on a beer, yet the bottled version of this bright, bitter brew is probably missing something.

If this beer were a band, it’d be Gomez.

— Steve Forstneger

For each (business) day of Chicago Craft Beer Week (May 19-27), we’re pairing an artist with a brewer. Click for Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Four, Five, and Six.

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