Jookabox preview
Empty Bottle, Chicago
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nearly everything written about Jookabox (formerly Grampall Jookabox) more than touches on Indianapolis. It’s customary to acknowledge a band or artist’s origins, but in this context it illuminates the music.
Or explains why it’s so fucked up. When David Adamson was a youngster in Indy, he, like many white boys in his state, wanted part of the black game. But his wasn’t basketball (at least not primarily), it was hip-hop. His uncle — clearly not the John Lithgow/Footloose type — encouraged him by loaning him a 4-track recorder and the dynamic duo would mix tracks together. (Better than meth, I suppose.) But instead of turning his nephew into a burgeoning, ice-veined producer, it appears they studied De La Soul’s Three Feet High And Rising — at 78 r.p.m. Now, musicians tend to refine their crafts as catalogs grow, but in regard to Dead Zone Boys (Asthmatic Kitty), that’s a relative statement. It’s an album the replicates how Ol’ Dirty Bastard probably saw life through his eye. It’s a blender set to puree, guitars, beats, voices, and all other shit you ain’t never heard of zips around like one of those anti-gravity machines.
The Bears Of Blue River and Truman & His Trophy open.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here to download “You Cried Me.”
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly