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McFest preview

| August 12, 2009

Metro, Chicago
Sunday, August 16, 2009


Chicago-based music-marketing behemoth Jeff McClusky Associates returns with its third McFest, a local-music roundup that benefits Special Olympics.

This year’s lineup was again booked by McClusky’s own 19-year-old daughter, and either she has been an avid street-festival goer, or someone’s been letting a minor spy some bands in the city’s 21-and-over clubs. How else to explain the presence of dance-party maestros Flosstradamus? Young McClusky also has an ear for guitars, so Powerspace, Breakers Broken, and Fishing With Spoons fill the middle bill, showing the family’s knack for unearthing fresh, new band. Opening are a couple of acts who wouldn’t be out of place onstage with Flossy-D at the end, rappers Teamone and dance rockers Par Avion.

For more information, visit

Steve Forstneger

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