Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Coldplay live!

| July 29, 2009

Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI
Saturday, July 25, 2009


Once in awhile, a concert comes along that is so captivating in all of its parts that after its short-lived moment, one leaves feeling brighter and more inspired than before. This past Saturday, Coldplay brought such a show — complete in flawless, live performances and luminous visuals — to Alpine Valley.

The set opened with “Life In Technicolor” as the shadows of Chris Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, and Will Champion were seen behind a dimly lit sheath suspended in front of the stage. As the audience echoed the song’s one, chanting lyric followed with wild applause, the band transitioned into “Violet Hill.” Martin sang with his iconic Coldplay voice, alternating between low and high pitches, as violet lights beamed on a giant backdrop of Eugéne Delacroix’s painting, “Liberty Guiding The People.” Keeping with the French theme, Martin and crew — dressed as shabby revolutionaries — played their way expertly through Viva La Vida‘s title track, on to “Cemeteries Of London” and eventually “Clocks,” which was aided by Martin’s piano expertise and a mesmerizing red-and-blue light show. “Fix You,” didn’t come soon enough for the crowd, who sang the chorus while electrifying guitar riffs from Buckland reverberated throughout the amphitheater. “Lost!” soon followed, booming in with heart-pounding drumming from Champion.

Ever generous, Coldplay soon left the glowing stage and ventured out to their fans on the lawn. Fortune smiled on the band during “The Hardest Part,” as rain poured while Martin sang, “I could feel it go down/Bittersweet I could taste in my mouth/Silver lining in the clouds.” Through the cloudburst, Coldplay proved to be the silver lining as they soothed the crowd with the ironic song, managing to bring forth smiles amid the shivers. After honoring the late Michael Jackson with a cutesy rendition of “Billie Jean,” Coldplay returned front and center to put the unforgettable final touches on the show.

From start to finish, the band’s performance of “Lovers In Japan” was a rush of chiming melodies, flashing lights, and spinning colors all blended together into a cheerful symphony. It began with echoing plunks from Martin’s piano prompting fellow band members to fall, with perfect unison, into their allotted parts in the upbeat song. Then, when the chorus came each time, billows of paper butterflies in all colors fell from every corner of the pavilion ceiling. Fireworks flashed on the video screens and the audience became a sea of laughter and up-stretched hands, eagerly grasping at a new, welcomed rain. The butterflies seemed endless, as did Coldplay’s ability to please. Not once did they falter in their music or the loving attitude they extended to their fans. The entire set was a breathtaking spectacle — a beautiful blend of music and aesthetics intended to leave those in attendance with hearts aflutter. And, just when you thought you couldn’t love them more, they gave you a free CD at the door. It was epic. It was revolutionary. It was Coldplay.

Stephanie Sadler

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