Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Mi Ami preview

| February 4, 2009

Mi Ami
Hideout, Chicago
Saturday, February 7, 2009


Cover your ears – the Black Eyes have reformed! Well, this time the noisy Dischord alums have added a drummer to keep the songs somewhat in line.

Their new name, Mi Ami, must be something of a joke because these guys are nobody’s friend. They can turn in languid grooves that suggest a marriage of !!! and The JB’s, but all bets are off once the screaming begins. Where Black Eyes occasionally gathered a group for a night of raped-feline howling, Daniel Martin-McCormick dials his paper-thin falsetto and shrieks for more than 45 minutes by himself. Watersports, their Quarterstick debut, is a challenge, but portends so many great things. Mi Ami are not a band who can open, who can warm up an evening. They’re the capper — that brutal, warm shot of rye that guaruntees a trip to the vomitorium. But fuck the idea of curling up in the corner to die. Scream it. Shriek those demons out.

Onyou open. Mi Ami return to play AV-aerie on February 17th.

Steve Forstneger

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