Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Brother Von Doom reviewed

| November 19, 2008

Brother Von Doom


Everything about Relentless, pre-CD-player insertion, says “totally fucking badass.” Everything about Relentless, post-CD-player ejection, says “total fucking waste of time.”

Seriously, awesome band name (Brother Von Doom), awesome album artwork (some sort of cyborg barbarian trampling the skeletal remains of his victims, blood splattered sword in hand), awesome song titles (“Barbarian Destroyer,” “Echoes Of The Undead,” “Norse Demise,” “Coffins Of The Cursed”), yet nothing but shitty, redundant . . . we’d call it metalcore if it had more breakdowns. Vocalist Justin Wilson probably has tons of lyrics about awesome bloodthirsty barbarians, pillaging, sacrifices to the Gods, and thrusting blades into the sternums of his enemies, but it’s hard to tell ’cause you can’t understand a damn thing in 10 songs. Plus, it’s hard not to be distracted by the thought guitarists Tate Matthews and Brian Baxter actually think we’ve never heard At The Gates riffs before.

Off with their heads!


–Trevor Fisher

Category: Spins, Weekly

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