Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Kids do Aerosmith!

| October 8, 2008

Punk No Kids

This weekend, some veteran punk rockers will wrap their children in swaddling clothes
and carry them off to Riot Fest. Others, still deeply distrustful of all that blue hair and aggression, will have their kids up onstage in a grand tribute to Aerosmith.

The Chicago chapter of the Paul Green School Of Rock will host such an event at 2 p.m. on both October 11th and 12th at Beat Kitchen. It remains to be seen how much of Steven Tyler and Joe Perry’s toxic backstage antics have been taught/retained, though the little ones are doubtless versed in all manner of Boston boogie rock.

The Paul Green School Of Rock was founded 10 years ago in Philadelphia and has since spread across the country, with local homes in Chicago (3043 N. Ashland) and Highwood (43 Highwood Ave.), and soon Evanston. The organization’s gist is to pull kids out of the practice-room-to-recital format and get them performing as bands and in front of audiences as soon as possible. Visit for more information.

Steve Forstneger

Category: News, Weekly

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