Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

God-Des & She preview

| June 25, 2008

God-Des & She
Circuit Nightclub, Chicago
Friday, June 27, 2008

Though we’ll never say never, there are a lot of factors working against God-Des becoming a household hip-hop name or Source-approved MC. One, she is obviously a woman, and though there’re certainly exceptions to the rule, sadly, female rhymers only seem to get attention when they’re willing to flaunt more than their wordplay. Two, she’s white. Name a female, Caucasian rapper who commands respect. Three, she’s from Madison, Wisconsin — not exactly “street.” Four, she’s Jewish. And five? She’s a lesbian.


It’s ironic, then, how much she looks at Eminem, one of the most misogynistic and homophobic rappers to ever find mainstream acceptance, on much of Stand Up, her album with soul singing partner (of the musical kind) She. Just in case you blow off our comparison as just music critics looking for something to nit pick, consider the end of “Hollywood,” a critical look at our celebrity-obsessed culture: “I love Eminem/that’s why I rapped this whole song just like him.” It’s the only instance on Stand Up where she admits biting Marshall Mathers, but it’s certainly not the only time she’s guilty of such a crime. “Hey Mr. President” is her “Mosh,” though four years and a similarly titled Pink song (“Dear Mr. President”) too late, “A Little Too Different” is a brooding Slim Shady “fuck you, I am what I am” anthem, but the most obvious example is “I Hate Your Ex-Girlfriend,” which sounds like any Kim-bating murder-fantasy from The Slim Shady EP right down to DJ Pain’s Dr. Dre string production.

But like you have to be a hell of a guitar player to be Jimmy Page in a Led Zeppelin tribute band, you can’t be a talentless hack and still sound like Eminem. God-Des is a good rapper (and She sings her ass off when given the chance), but a lack of her own style works against her much more than being a “white dyke Jewish rapper from Wisconsin.”

DJs Dragonfire and Just Beth open.

Trevor Fisher

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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