Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Cryptacize reviewed

| March 26, 2008

Dig That Treasure
(Asthmatic Kitty)


Dig That Treasure, among a zillion other impulses, encourages the reconsideration of duets, lullabies, and musicals.

Appearing: Saturday, March 29th at Hideout in Chicago.

In some ways it’s no surprise Cryptacize became Sufjan Stevens’ labelmates. But where the latter exercises deep sincerity and devotion to his subjects and methods, the former come off as an in-joke grown into a concept. Nedelle Torrisi and Chris Cohen don’t share vocal duties but sing different scenes from a play from a large hall’s distant corners. Despite its playful, art-house nature, there’s an intensity in the spaces, like Joanna Newsom staring down a cartoon band who just spilt the percussion instruments on the floor. When forces align, you’re powerless to not be smitten (the sing-songy “Heaven Is Human” or deep, rich strumming of “Willpower”). Unfortunately, the bounty of fragments and self-conscious deconstructions frequently cast their intentions as cynical and leave Cryptacize to sound like an unnatural contrivance. Even if it is the way they like it.


— Kevin Keegan

Click here to download “No Coins.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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