Scenes From A Movie preview
Scenes From A Movie
Beat Kitchen, Chicago
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hate Fall Out Boy? Man, might as well know from the get go, Scenes From A Movie is going to make your blood boil.

Of course, that also means if you, Oh. My. God., like, love Fall Out Boy, you’ll likely be sweet on Scenes From A Movie, whose debut, The Pulse (One Big Spark), is either a homage or plagiarism, depending how you look at it. SFAM thankfully don’t have the annoying habit of giving songs 10-word titles and include five guys (guitarists Jon Ewing and Luke Del Papa, drummer Jared Miller, vocalist Tony Bush, and bassist Adam Triplett) instead of four, but musically, SFAM make little effort to avoid FOB comparisons. To make sure we’re clear, we aren’t saying songs like “Detective Detective,” “Hang Your Halo,” and “This Cover Up” sound Fall Out Boy-ish, we’re saying if somebody walks by your desk while you check out The Pulse, they’re going to wonder why you’re listening to Fall Out Boy. No exaggeration – it happened to us.
Ha Ha Tonka, The Rikters, and Real Lunch also play.
– Trevor Fisher
Click here for streaming samples of Scenes From A Movie.
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly