Terror Preview
Knights Of Columbus, Arlington Heights
Tuesday, January 23rd, 2006
While aiming toward “Headbanger’s Ball” and touring with Perish, who are on Nuclear Blast Records, Terror are a hardcore punk band at the core, with chunky metal riffage for window dressing.

Terror actually remind of a time when punks would write into R.I.P. and Guitar World magazines arguing Anthrax, Biohazard, and some of the speed metal bands were de facto punk bands. The trouble is, both genres are incredibly divisive and possessive even as the lines have been blurred beyond recognition. Terror’s forte is the classical artwork on the Always The Hard Way sleeve (metal), countered by a Charles Bukowski quote in the liners (punk), Doug Weber and Martin Stewart’s chunky metal riffing (duh), imminent action in lyrics like “Strike now, Crush down/Your turn to feel the pain” (punk), but I guess what tips this in punk’s favor are gang vocals (“Hell To Pay”) and hip-hop guests Murs and Dibbs.
Still, there’s plenty bands of both genres can learn about here.
The Warriors, War Of Ages, and All Shall Perish open.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here to play “Strike You Down.”
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly