Form Of Rocket reviewed
Form Of Rocket

Form Of Rocket care nothing for restraint, or so the surface of Men seems to tell.
In actuality, the album’s screaming catharsis is a Powerpoint of pent rage held in check to the last possible moment until once-rational demands can accept no more than explicit, unconditional solution. As essential as the tempest contained digitally, Men‘s artwork is a mad scientist’s compendium of sketches drawn-over and crossed-out whose presence merely underscores the frustrations of best laid plans. Fans of Detachment Kit would be thrilled, though Form Of Rocket never show flashes of DK’s veiled instrumental mastery. It’s a limitation that makes “Teapot Dome, Bitch” all the more momentous, as guitarist Peter Makowski knows no recourse other than rant single-string runs and join frontman Curtis Jensen in the frontal assault. If you’re the rare bird who seeks instrumental ingenuity in a post punk tornado, Form Of Rocket’s ideas rarely match their intensity on such tracks as “You’d Look Cute In The Trunk Of My Car” and the barely contained “The Greatest Day.” But the message generally appears to be “Don’t get it right, get it out.”
— Kevin Keegan
Appearing: November 9th at Empty Bottle in Chicago.
Click here to download “Keep Smiling Ed Smart.”
i think your missing the point of the album, mr. keegan, but I don’t blame you since you’re probably unfamiliar with this band. even if it is your first time hearing band, your review is a little thoughtless, especially how you talk alot about the artwork, and compare it to another band’s, with out actually talking about the actual music except for your one sentence, of singled out crticism on one person of the whole 5 person collective.
“In actuality, the album’s screaming catharsis is a Powerpoint of pent rage held in check to the last possible moment until once-rational demands can accept no more than explicit, unconditional solution.”
you have blown my mind sir.
Your opening sentence has me lost as well and makes absolutely no sense. Maybe you should leave the CD spinning a little longer. This band and album is great.
This is a (another) great album from a great band. I don’t think you should be commenting on it/them because it doesn’t sound like you know what you are talking about. FOR are a talented and creative force that is rare to find in today’s music.