Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Tag: Willy Joy

Spring Awakening Festival interviews

Spring Awakening Festival interviews

| June 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

Given the city’s roots in the electronic music movement, it’s only fitting that the Spring Awakening Music festival, a celebration of all things EDM, featured a healthy showing of Chicago talent. Illinois Entertainer’s Jaime de’Medici was onsite at the two-day festival, interviewing Chicago artists for the ChicagoVerseUniteD podcast series on his Dynasty Podcasts Network.

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Cover Story: What’s That Sound?

Cover Story: What’s That Sound?

| December 31, 2011 | 1 Comment

As a number of enthusiasts have pointed out, there are currently more pop-music genres than there are artists to occupy them. Whether such a sneering jab is true, the slotting of acts into ready-made categories has always been a vice of critics and fans.

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Tomorrow Never Knows preview!

Tomorrow Never Knows preview!

| December 31, 2011 | 0 Comments

Winter is always the hardest season for music lovers in Chicago because so few bands hit the road. And who can blame them? After all, the below-freezing temperatures, blustery snow, and icy roads are enough to make even the proudest native wish they were somewhere south,

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