Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Tag: The Bomb

Studiophile: March 2011

Studiophile: March 2011

| March 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Smoking Hot Mic Smoking Popes vocalist Josh Caterer recorded a solo track for a yet to be named benefit compilation, and is currently working on another non-Popes project at MILLION YEN in Chicago . . . Also at Million Yen, acclaimed indie producer J. Robbins was in town tracking noted indie band

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Studiophile: November 2010

Studiophile: November 2010

| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Time Of The Season (For Recording) Forgive us while we skip the hypothesizing over what Wilco would sound like without him, is he their George Harrison, and, woe is he, doesn’t the world care enough about John Stirratt?

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