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Tag: IK Multimedia

Gear: March 2013

Gear: March 2013

| March 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Roland’s Studio-Capture USB 2.0 Audio Interface is the new flagship sequel in the Capture family of computer-based recording interfaces for home studios

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Gear: February 2011

Gear: February 2011

| February 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

iK Multimedia iRig Microphone In the “netherworld” of music recording, a wave of hobbyists record their song ideas to iPhones, iPods, and iPads and IK Multimedia is there to help them with its new iRig Microphone. IK claims it’s “the first handheld-quality condenser microphone for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad –

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Gear: July 2010

Gear: July 2010

| July 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

IK Multimedia Amplitube For iPhone It seems like an odd way to portably power your electric guitar via headphones, but Italian-based IK Multimedia announced that its AmpliTube for iPhone, its premier mobile guitar amp and effects system for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, is now available for download from the iTunes App Store.

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