Remixed Artifacts
Sound Tribe Sector 9 Artifact: Perspectives (1320) Collabo-electronic outfit offer up 2005’s Artifacts to friends like Mr. Lif, Bill Laswell, and Slicker to remix the thing.
Luke Doucet CD Review
Luke Doucet Broken (And Other Rogue States) (Six Shooter) Singer-songwriters usually need a good sales pitch, few come as well equipped as being the heartbroken ex-guitarist for Sarah McLachlan.
Baby Teeth CD Review
Baby Teeth For The Heathers (Lujo) Schizo band gets by on EP by sending each member home with a woman’s name and seeing what song they come up with.
You The Man, Portugal
Portugal. The Man Waiter: You Vultures! (Fearless) Alaskan indie rock isn’t as exotic as it sounds.
Clearlake CD Review
Clearlake Amber (Domino) Brighton, U.K.’s Clearlake waste time being photographed. Maybe not time, but publicity dollars.
Vote Pedro
Pedro Pedro (Mush) Manchester-based sound collage expert brings his IDM/post rock/hip-hop game of Twister to America.
Waning Days
AM Syndicate Empire (Sick Room) Austin band, featuring Trail Of Dead bassist Danny Wood, makes its Chicago label debut.
Say What?
Say Anything … Is A Real Boy (J) Major label reissue of the slow-burning indie “it” story, blurring lines of not only reality, but also Bright Eyes and Weezer.
Scene Now Heard
Jason Collett Idols Of Exile (Arts & Crafts) Arts & Crafts, the teeball of record labels, asks, “Has everyone had a chance to bat?”
Revenge Is Sour
She Wants Revenge She Wants Revenge (Flawless/Geffen) Apparently Geffen Records has instituted a new Interpolicy.
Sassy Benassi
Benassi Bros. Phobia (Ultra) Euro house duo nail down another non-stop barrage of club tracks.
Racket balls
Some Girls Heaven’s Pregnant Teens (Epitaph) Is there a therapist in the house? The guys in Some Girls could really use some attention right now.
Robert Pollard CD Review
Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye (Merge) Pollard arrives with his first post-Guided By Voices package.
Animal Liberation Orchestra (ALO) CD Review
Animal Liberation Orchestra (ALO) Fly Between Falls (Brushfire) Jack Johnson’s buddies allow you to bring the frat party with you, wherever you go.
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