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Photo Gallery: The Lumineers at 101WKQX’s The Nights We Stole Christmas • Aragon Ballroom, Chicago

| December 7, 2021

The Nights We Stole Christmas
featuring The Lumineers
Aragon Ballroom
Chicago, IL
December 6, 2021

Recap and photos by Curt Baran

‘Tis the season for the end of the year, terrestrial radio station kissing booth concerts. It’s an annual tradition in which bands that stations have promoted throughout the year give thanks by playing considerably smaller venues than they would normally. Local alt-rock stalwarts 101 WKQX has dubbed their version The Nights We Stole Christmas, and it stretches across five nights at the Aragon Ballroom. And with a forthcoming album being released early in the new year, The Lumineers were Night One’s big draw. They managed to not only thank the station for their support but also hyped new product as well, which constitutes a true industry Festivus miracle!

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