Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Festival time in the City of Champions

| June 28, 2013

The last week of June is when festival season seems to kick into high gear around the city and the suburbs. Next week’s July issue of IE showcases a rundown of where to sample some good food and music in the next month. Plus online, we’ll give festgoers a recap of what’s coming in the next two weeks.

Hunter Hayes

Taste Of Joliet: Friday through Sunday

Will County’s largest festival kicks off on June 28 with a set by former ’70s and ’80s classic rockers REO Speedwagon (supported by 7th Heaven and Arra). Grammy-winning country performer Hunter Hayes (featured on The Voice in June and supported by Dustin Lynch, Easton Corbin and Maggie Rose) has already sold-out his premium seating at TOJ, so best to get to ATI Field at Joliet Memorial Stadium (3000 W. Jefferson) early to get a good seat. Sunday features Disney Channel’s Zandaya, on the heels of her Dancing With The Stars performance and her claim-to-fame: the Mouse House’s Shake It Up series. Admission is $10. Taste Of Joliet features an eclectic mix of 27 food vendors and a bevy of carnival rides to make it a near-ideal weekend in the City Of Champions.

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