Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

EDM meets maple syrup

| October 17, 2012


Sweden’s Miike Snow released its sophomore album, Happy To You, this past March. The long-time friends never planned to make records and tour, but here they are, creating tunes to bop around to while we’re driving in our cars. There are definitely some noteworthy hits on this album. “Paddling Out” and “The Wave,” the first two singles, are easily the most popular. But let’s not underestimate the range this album has to offer. Danicer beats like “Pretender” and “Vase” contrast with the deeper, and sometimes darker, sounds found in “Archipelago” and “Black Tin Box” featuring Lykke Li. The album as a whole can be thought of as indie-pop-synth, and has a really odd way of being fun and mellow at the same time. Two bonus tracks never hurt anyone either. Regardless of one’s feelings towards the genre, Miike Snow must be appreciated – at the very least – for its dedication to making cinematic music videos. Director Andreas Nilsson creates a continuous storyline (complete with a reoccurring main character) that, when watched in conjunction with one another, rivals anything in on IFC. Bravo. (Wednesday@Congress.)

Together? Apart? Chamberlin hit it big only a little over a year ago and these Vermont boys already have the drama of a band that’s been together for decades. But drama is the fodder of good music. Its latest EP, Look What I’ve Become, contains five songs chock full of lyrical beauty – and tension. “Thief” and “Block It Out” have a rougher sound and the words to match. “A Pleasant Conversation Over Drinks” is slightly softer. “Maryland,” with its country vibe and sweet strumming banjos, might compel listeners to reflect on love in tall grass fields. Then there are songs like “Jealousy,” which is more of a stab to the heart. Oddly enough, the band wrote these songs only to have the two founding members (Mark Daly and Ethan West) “cheat” on their band mates and seek out other musicians to record the EP. Ouch! Luckily, Chamberlin worked out some of those issues and reconvened. Hopefully these tunes can keep entertaining until a full-length album sees the light of day in early 2013.  (Thursday@Schubas with Ivan & Alyosha.)

–Mary Scannell

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