Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Lou Barlow goes back to mom and dad’s

| August 25, 2010

Catastrophe would have struck had J. Mascis not banished Lou Barlow from Dinosaur Jr. Infuriated, Barlow focused his Sentridoh side-gig and began to foment what would become Sebadoh and ostensibly Folk Implosion.

Not to mention the Dinosaur Jr. reunion that’s gotten so much ink. Whatever. The reason we’re here is Barlow, who directed song after song in the guise of a scorned lover (see “The Freed Pig,” “Ocean”) and became one of the most brilliant lo-fi singer/songwriters of his generation. It’s strange, then, to have Barlow revisiting this manisfestation when not only is he back in Dinosaur, but a successful, borderline adult-contemporary indie rocker. Titling this project Sentridoh III (Merge) clearly nods to the seminal Sebadoh III, but boasts early Folk Implosion production sensibility plus a reworking of a track released under his first official solo album, Lou Barlow’s Emoh, back in ’05.

It’s not Barlow’s strongest work — and to some of us, he’s still repaying that disastrous Sebadoh-plus-taperecorder reunion — though the same can’t be said for Wye Oak’s latest EP, My Neighbor/My Creator. The Maryland-based duo always seemed destined for Yo La Tengo-ish anonymity/respect, but have found a confidence on this four-song set that could just elbow them ahead in line. (@Schubas with Young Man.)

— Steve Forstneger

Click here to download Lou Barlow’s “Losercore” and click here for Wye Oak’s “I Hope You Die.”

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