Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

So You Wanna Be A Rock ‘N’ Roll T-shirt Designer

| May 25, 2010

Lollapalooza Shirt Contest

Rock ‘n’ roll is a lot like sports, in that such a small minority of artists make it — and define those words at your own peril — the failure rate doesn’t justify the numbers in pursuit.

O.K., so the salary numbers seem to make it worthwhile. But why bother learning chords or press schedules or paternity hearings when you can just put some ink on cotton and call it a day? Music Allies offers two tickets to this year’s festival and $500 bonzonis to anyone who can put together a retro design honoring Palooza’s (non-contiguous) 19 years. Visit Creative Allies for the rules. Submissions are due by May 30th. Think fast!

Category: Featured, News, Weekly

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