Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Jónsi preview

| April 21, 2010

Vic, Chicago
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sigur Rós’ frontman steps out of a volcanic cloud for an effervescent solo debut.

The tagline behind Go (XL), Jonsi Birgisson’s second foray away from the mothership, is songs he’s collected over the years that don’t fit the Sigur idiom. Well, aided by Nico Muhly’s orchestrations, they’d be at home in Jeremy Enigk’s. Actually, given that solo albums are generally opportunities to indulge oneself, it’s surprising how much latitude Muhly has. The it-boy arranger runs riot with opener “Go Do” and lead single “Boy Lilikoi,” painting in pastels to brighten the already ebullient tracks with touches that recall both Rogers & Hammerstein and Warner Bros. cartoons. (Birgisson’s Icelandic neighbor Björk comes to mind.) But his touch is heavy on “Tornado.” The basic track recalls the second Sigur album, (), though Muhly’s cymbal crashes evoke fireworks and the “William Tell Overture.”

Death Vessel opens. Jónsi also performs on the 28th.

— Steve Forstneger

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