Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Archive for January, 2010

Anvil preview

Anvil preview

| January 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

House Of Blues, Chicago Sunday, January 10, 2010 Anvil are fit for the age of Facebook — an old classmate appears before your eyes just the same as they were before (if swelled), giving you a chance to rehash the good times. But the existential crisis is this: Once someone rotates out of your life, […]

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Media: January 2010

Media: January 2010

| January 2, 2010 | 5 Comments

Three Years Of ‘Outside The Loop’ Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann launched “Outside The Loop” radio on September 28th, 2006 as a way to “create an independent program that featured stories and discussions about local issues that weren’t always getting media attention,” says Stephen. At the time, they were producers at WGN, and launched the […]

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Caught In A Mosh: January 2010

Caught In A Mosh: January 2010

| January 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

On To 2010 Below are Top Five Heavy Albums Of ’09 lists compiled from all walks of the Chicago heavy-music scene. It’s self-explanatory, so why waste intro space?

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Sweet Home: January 2010

Sweet Home: January 2010

| January 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Flaunting The Blues The blues flows through Fernando Jones‘ veins just as thickly as blood and, given the innate rhythms that stream from his Telecaster, perhaps more smoothly. Growing up on the South Side with Mississippi-born parents and a blues-playing brother, he was driven to pick up his sibling’s guitar and pluck a few blues […]

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DVD Zone: January 2010

DVD Zone: January 2010

| January 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Public Enemies Universal We Chicagoans always get so stoked whenever Hollywood comes a-callin’ to shoot one of those fancy moving pictures in our hoods. Forget for a moment that in the early days Chicago was the center of the film-production universe before the industry packed up their toys and moved out west. We still harbor […]

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