Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Twilight Revival preview

| February 4, 2009

Twilight Revival
FitzGerald’s, Berwyn
Saturday, February 7, 2009


The fact the Chicago music scene should deliver yet another Wilco-influenced act is hardly surprising. The fact it’s as good as Twilight Revival is.

Of course, not many bands want to be described as “sounding just like” Group X, but this comparison isn’t meant to be unfavorable. Parlor, Twilight Revival’s debut full-length (a self-titled EP was released in 2007), isn’t so much adoration as much as it is recognition. Even the most Tweedy and co.-ish songs like “Singalong,” “If Only,” and “Devil’s Crutch” have their own voices despite the similarities. It’s easy, if you’re good enough musicians, to sound just like a band, but it’s much harder to admit the reverence and still have your own sound. In Twilight Revival’s case, it doesn’t hurt that guitarists/vocalists Rick Guistolise and Brian McDonnell, bassist/vocalist Erik Korte, and drummer John Monaghan occasionally step off the dusty alt-country back roads and into The Replacements’ corner-dive rock (“Taquito”) and R.E.M.’s jangly pop (“Anyone”).

Twilight Revival’s show is at FitzGerald’s SideBar and is not part of the Javelinas/Saps/Finnish Charts gig in the main room.

— Trevor Fisher

to download Twilight Revival’s “Madison.”


Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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  1. Jan says:

    wilco who?

    this is cool stuff, good find.